Come to the drink on November 21st and taste the delicious, fully loaded snack platter from the Foodcie!


Dear members,


The Foodcie has prepared something special for you again. Do you always get hungry during the drink? Then we have the perfect solution! A well-stocked snack platter! During the drink, you can pick up a platter with enough bites for 4 people, so bring some friends along! Are you excited already?! Hurry, though, because there are only 12 platters available!


So, come to the bar during the drink on November 21st and grab your own snack platter!! See you then!


Note: 1 registration per group!


Tasty regards,
Foodcie – Protagoras

Dear (PhD) students and alumni,


Do you already know how you will proceed with your career after graduating or as a next step in your career? Pursue a PhD, start working in a hospital, or move to the industry? Maybe you also consider consultancy or you even want to move away from the BME field? During the career orientation evening on Wednesday 4th of December, four BME alumni will tell about their experiences and choices in their careers thus far.  


This evening is organized by the Department of Biomedical Engineering, BME Alumni Association Willem Einthoven and Study Association SvBMT Protagoras. The event takes place in In Vivo, Traverse. We will start at 17:00 and the alumni will take you through their career moves, whether and why they pursued a PhD and how their education helped them. We will close the evening with a panel discussion and drinks afterwards. 


The program for the evening: 


- 17:00-17:10: Introduction by BME department and Willem Einthoven 

- 17:10-17:50: Presentations by Alumni speakers

·       Melanie van Osta-Ahn: QA/RA manager at Hy2Care

·       Lisa Dekker: Testconsultant at Nictiz (via Salves).

·       Roos Kamps: R&D Engineer at STENTiT

·       Ronald van der Meer: Process Development Engineer at Siemens Healthineers

- 17:50-18:10: Panel discussion  with speakers

- 18:10-19:00: Conversations and questions with speakers during drinks


This includes a free drink, free snacks and this activity earns you 2 MF points!


See you all on December 4th


Kind regards,


On behalf of the boards of Willem Einthoven and SvBMT Protagoras

Het studentenleven aan de TU/e kan een rollercoaster van ervaringen zijn. Soms vind je het geweldig en gaat alles goed. En soms voel je je verloren en weet je niet wat je moet doen om je beter te voelen.


Onze Confidential Peer Supporters (Vertrouwelijke ondersteuning) kennen het gevoel en zijn getraind om je te kunnen helpen. Of je nu gewoon een praatje wil maken, hulp wil bij het zoeken van professionele hulp of samen wil kijken wat je nu het beste kunt doen: de vertrouwenscontactpersonen zijn er om naar je te luisteren en je door te verwijzen naar de beschikbare ondersteuning. Alles wat je met een CPS bespreekt blijft volledig vertrouwelijk! Dus als je ergens mee zit, aarzel dan niet om ze een berichtje te sturen!


Wil je meer weten over studentenwelzijn en de instanties die zich hier mee bezig houden? Neem dan een kijkje op onze studentenwelzijn pagina

Interesting for ALL Bachelor, Master and PhD students!


Delft Imaging specializes in advanced wound care solutions, focusing on patient well-being and effective healing. They provide innovative products and technologies that support healthcare professionals in treating chronic wounds and improving patient outcomes. Their approach combines clinical expertise with cutting-edge technology to deliver personalized care, addressing complex medical needs in wound management.


The lunch lecture will take place on November 27th, from 12:40-13:20. So make sure to subscribe and get free lunch! This activity earns you 1 MFA poin

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Studievereniging der Biomedische Technologie "Protagoras"    

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
Traverse 0.04
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
Telefoon: 040 - 247 2758
Facebook: SvBMT Protagoras
Instagram: @svbmtprotagoras
Linkedin: Studievereniging der BioMedische Technologie Protagoras  

Openingstijden Prothok
(Traverse 0.04)

Dagen Openingstijden


 12:00 - 17:00 


 9:00 - 17:00





 9:00 - 17:00



Openingstijden In Vivo
(Traverse 0.32)

Dagen      Openingstijden


 12:00 - 15:30






  9:00 - 19:30


 9:00 - 17:00




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