Peter Bovendeerd P.H.M. Bovendeerd obtained his MSc degree in Applied Physics in 1985 from the department of Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology. In 1990 he obtained his PhD from Maastricht University on a numerical and experimental study of the mechanical behavior of the left ventricle. He then returned to Eindhoven, where he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering and worked on several topics including biomechanics of the heart, skeletal musle, skin and brain impact. In 2002, he joined the group Cardiovascular Biomechanics in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. His research focusses on the development of physics-based mathematical models to assist in the interpretation of clinical patient data. Application areas did include Perinatal Monitoring and Perioperative Monitoring. Current focus area is Cardiology, specifically the prediction of the risk of venticular tachycardia, the development of a biological ventricular assist device, and predicting long-tem cardiac growth and remodeling. Last but not least, he enjoys teaching.
René van Donkelaar
Dr. C.C. van Donkelaar obtained his PhD from Maastricht University, as one of the first two research assistants to doctorate in the partnership with Maastricht from which BME was formed. Subsequently, in December 1998, he was appointed at the BME program, which was in formation at that moment. His current research focusses on damage and wear of cartilage and developing implants for cartilage replacement, especially in the knee. Furthermore, he is the program director of our bachelor and master programs since 2018. His favorite hobby is making music (especially bass guitar) and he loves to be outside in the nature.